Even though I purchased this while the app was on sale, Im extremely disappointed with this app. Not only does it crash ALL THE TIME, but there are serious issues with the apps interface, along with the recipes themselves! Rather than some of the other "content-free" 5-star reviews that this app has (possibly from the developers friends), Im going to list SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of problems I found within a few minutes of purchasing this app.
First, the app is REALLY sluggish. When you click on "Search" from the main menu, it takes 5-7 seconds before the app gives any response that it is "working". Then when the Search screen finally appears and you tap in the search bar to type in what you want to look for, there is another delay.
Second, after you type in your search term (for example, "Purple") and click the "Search" button on the keyboard, THE KEYBOARD DOES NOT GO AWAY! (Im serious!) That is obviosuly totally non-standard iPhone behavior, and not only wastes screen real estate but makes it impossible to tap on the recipes at the bottom of the list.
Third, from the main menu if you click "By Name" you are first presented with a "sub menu" to select a list of drinks based on the first letter of their name (one for each letter of the alphabet). What about the drinks that start with a number or special character, like 57 Chevy, 007, 4th of July, etc.? A much more iPhone-esque approach would be to just show ALL the drinks and then have an alphabet slider on the right side of the screen like in the Contacts app.
Fourth, when you do click on "J Drinks" from the "By Name" menu, then scroll through the list, they arent even sorted! There are 3 drinks that start with "Jager" and then you scroll past a bunch of other drinks and there some more and there are a few more "Jager" drinks. Huh?
Fifth, speaking of "Jager", there are *LOTS* of recipes that have missing ingredient information! Tap "Jager Monster" and the first ingredient is invisible. The same goes for "Jager Salsa", "Jagerita", "Jager Monster Ii", "Jager Vacation" has *TWO* invisible ingredients, "Jager Mint", "Jager Barrel", etc. the list goes on and on...
Sixth, long ingredient names overflow in to the quantity column instead of wrapping to a new line, making it very difficult to try and decipher the quantity. (see "JimmyS Juice" for just one example, there are plenty of others as well.)
Seventh, it seems to me that the drink list for this app was culled from some online database or web page and then a (poor) attempt was made to auto-capitalize the drink names. Drinks that are supposed to have the romain numeral "II" to represent "two" are capitalized like "Ii", and drinks with an apostrophe-s combination have the "s" capitalized (as in "JackS Apple" or "JohnS Manhattan"), as do drinks that have "1st" or "2nd" in the name (like "Jamaican Collins (1St)" and "Jamaican Collins (2Nd)". That would also explain the mish-mosh of ingredient styles -- some recipes say "1/2 oz." others say "0.25 oz." ("Jolly Rancher" vs "Jolly Rancher Ii") and the highly inconsistent drink naming conventions (there is also a "Jolly Rancher (2)" and "Jolly Rancher (3)", for example.) In other words, this app might tout to have a lot of drink recipes, but they are obviously not hand-picked nor even edited for presentation consistency!
Eighth, some drinks dont even have names! In the "J" list, scroll down to "Jamaican Screw" and notice the empty drink between it and "Jogeir" and between "Jamacian (sp) 10 Speed" and "Jas". Again, just a couple glaring examples of the lack of effort by the developers to vet each recipe for consistency.
Ninth, after clicking "Search" and then clicking "J Drinks" youd thinking that a search would ONLY search in the "J Drinks", right? WRONG! Even after selecting a letter, starting a search (for example, "Root") searches the entire drink list.
Tenth, did I mention that the app crashes after looking at just a few drink recipes? With the sluggishness of the interface, it is a real pain.
Hopefully its pretty obvious that this app is NOT ready for prime time... I bought "Pocket Cocktail" which has *pictures* of every drink along with the the free "5800+ Drink & Cocktail Recipes" and am much more impressed with both of those apps.
Buyer beware!
To the developers: if you address these issues, Ill be happy to update this review.
(If you found this review helpful in making a purchasing decision, be sure to click "Yes")
EddyGeez! about Party Pro